Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Shawshank Redemption communication

For this blog on communication I chose a scene from Shawshank Redemption. Human communication is the process of making sense out of the world and sharing that sense with others by creating meaning through the use of verbal and nonverbal messages, however there are different types of communication. This clip is an example of communication as interaction. In this interaction there is a speaker and there is a receiver. The speaker sends a message verbally or nonverbally to the receiver who sends feedback to the speaker. Morgan freeman who plays a convicted felon is the receiver in this scenario giving feedback to the parole board which acts as the speaker. As Morgan Freeman enters the room he keeps his hands crossed showing that he is being respectful. You may notice that as he enters the room the board of people is looking at their papers, showing that they do not even acknowledge his presence. The receiver then puts his hands to his side in an abrupt manner to convey the message that he will not respect those that don't give respect back.  As the man on the board asks Morgan Freeman if he thinks he is rehabilitated you see a faint frown which suggests that he looks down on the receiver, and feels superior to him. The receiver raises his eyebrows yet his eyes are not widened showing that he is not actually shocked though one may believe so. Morgan freeman looks at the floor expressing through his face that he is pondering the word "rehabilitated". The man on the boards does the same as he looks down in embarrassment when the receiver sends feedback ("I don’t have any idea what that means"). Throughout the rest of the speech Morgan Freemans face is almost expressionless, and with a low voice he sends a clear message that he does not care what the board believes as he says "because to tell you the truth.....I don’t give a shit". As you can tell the feedback was received by the blank, shocked expression on all the board members faces, and the silence in the room when it was all over.

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