Monday, July 25, 2011

Lean on me Inspirational speech

In this video Morgan Freeman gives a speech to a group of students at an inner city highschool who are at the risk of being taken over by the New Jersey state government unless their test scores improve. Freeman plays the newly appointed principal and gives this speech to inspire this group of misfits and juveniles to achieve a higher education. This in fact was a great speech because it incorporates all the necessary points to a great speech. He starts off giving the central idea and reason to listen which is that they will be taking a test to test the basic skills of the students and that everybody else doesnt beleives that they are inferior. He then goes on to his hook, which was what the everyone else thinks about the school and the students that go there. "They say you are inferior, You are just a bunch of niggers and spiks and poor white trash, and education is wasted on you". He tells the students what the government says about them in order to motivate the students to prove themselves worthy. He already obtained credibility because he is the principal of the high school and throughout the movie has done tremendous work to improve the school. After he goes into his body where he explains how the students are no different from each other no matter the race, as he makes all the caucasion students stand and says "They have no place to go, if they had they would have abandoned us a long time ago like everybody else did, but they couldnt, so here they are at east side high just like the rest of us".  He shows how they are all the same and are just as capable as anyone else. Freeman gives out many examples and helps the students understand that they can and should prove those that talk down on them wrong, as he states in his conclusion. In his conclusion he adds "you are not inferior", just reemphasizing the central idea. He goes on to his motivational point in his conclusion as he states "Your grades may be, your school, may have been but you can turn that around and make liars out of those bastards in exactly one hour".  As you can see he did a good job of motivating the audience by the reaction and applause. He comes to a closure telling the students to "concentrate and show everyone what east side high is all about"

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